I pray that everybody benefits from this holy month - using it as a means to get closer to Allah SWT. May your fasts bring you countless good deeds and may your Du'as be accepted. May He forgive all your previous sins and make you amongst those that adopt all the same habits out of Ramadan and change for the better. I feel like when I was younger - the focus of the month was never on increasing your Islamic knowledge, reciting/understanding the Qur'an and praying Salaah at the correct times. It was more about who could withstand the day with the least complaints of hunger and thirst, because that's what fasting is? As I've grown older, I realise that replenishment of the body whilst starving the soul, brings with it a feeling of discontentment. For this reason, I try my best to do little things in order to help my imaan grow stronger. For example, Adhkar (The plural of Dhikr) - which is constant remembrance of Allah, helps me to purify my heart and free my mind from worries. Saying 'Subhanallah' 100 times removes 1000 sins and has good deeds written for you. "It is more superior than the world and everything within it.' (Prophet Muhammad SAW, Muslim) Something that I find really helps to build on my basic knowledge and understanding of Islam, is my daily reminders calendar. It depicts a collection of wise sayings, including quotes from the Qur'an and Ahadith. It's not too difficult to read through the new piece of advice at the beginning of the day and to then put it into practice later. Sometimes it's more practical to share the information with another person, thereby reinforcing it into your long term memory (yes yes A-level psychology coming in handy). In this post, I have included thirty pages - from the 6th of June until the 7th of July (WHICH SHOULD BE EID YES NOW LADS MUBARAK HO) - signifying each day of Ramadan. As the reward for each good deed is multiplied by 70 (or more) in this blessed month, be sure to implement anything you learn and advise others of the same thing. May Allah guide and better us all in such a blessed month ان شاء الله.
(Post previously published) Wearing the hijab has never been something that I’ve felt obliged to do. It has never been forced upon me by my family but recently, I’ve started thinking further into it. The fact that I am 17 years old and am not doing something that is compulsory in my religion - is beyond me. I, myself don’t know the reason. I always told myself that it’s my choice. I would wear it ”When I’m ready” and when I would be a better Muslim in other aspects – like wearing more modest clothing and when I am consistent with my Salah. I then came across this picture, which made me realise that life is way too short to be relying on a future that may never come. A hijab is just one of the many stepping stones that I need to take. One of many. Maybe the first of many. Now I just pray that I, and other girls in a similar position are guided to a better path in which we can wear a hijab - modestly, appropriately and for the right reasons - with the correct intentions. It should be worn to please Allah and not the people whom He created.